Tips for Being a Tourist: Our Ode to World Tourism Day

Nothing beats being a tourist, whether it is far, far away, or right in your hometown. In honor of World Tourism Day, we are sharing our traveling hacks to help you enjoy all that your destination has to offer. 

From a day trip to a month-long adventure, we have the travel hacks and shoes to get you there.

Which SUAVS to wear 

While we would love to say, "bring all the shoes", one of the biggest advantages of SUAVS is how versatile they are. 

Our Zilkers are great comfort wear shoes for your all-day adventures. The moisture-wicking insoles can handle a sweaty or even wet foot from any puddle jumping or river walks. They are easy to clean and quick-drying, making them a great option to pack. 

For a day of on-the-go fun, the Bartons are a great choice. This easy-to-slip-on shoe is made from soft, breathable fabric and a sweat-wicking insole and is very stylish to dress up or down. 

No trip is complete without the Eddy Slide. The moisture-absorbing footbed and  lightweight and cushioned sole provide all-day comfort, making it the perfect shoe for the pool, beach, or sight-seeing around town. 

Essential Packing Hacks

Since your SUAVS don't take up much space, there’s plenty of room to pack some of your other favorites and essentials. We recommend packing lightweight layers over heavy, bulky items, especially during the blustery fall weather. If you need extra room for treasures from your trip, roll, don't fold your clothes. 

Now that you've packed like a pro and have your favorite footwear, planning touristy things is a must! 

Here are some of our favorite activities 

Visit Museums 

Check your destination and see what types of museums they have nearby. Many large cities have art and natural science museums. You can also find quaint history museums or museums dedicated to historical figures and events. 

Take an Architecture Tour 

You don't need to visit a big city to find beautiful architecture. Many towns have beautiful old historic homes, churches, and galleries full of rich building details.  

Ghost and Historical Tours 

If you are feeling spooky or are a history buff, these tours are for you. Most states in the United States claim to experience paranormal activity. Some, more than others. Many tours are dedicated to these phenomenons, some of which are also part of historical events. But, if you are looking for a more tame adventure, check with the local historical society and ask what events or places are nearby. 

Be a Foodie 

This one is pretty easy to get on board with, even if you are a local. Try a new dining experience, whether it be cuisine from a place you've never been to or a new restaurant in town.  If you are traveling away from home, ask a local about their favorite hidden gem, a local cafe, or the best place to experience the food.  

Whether you are planning a trip halfway around the world or halfway across the state, a good tourist always brings their SUAVS.

Written by: Danielle Shulman

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