SUAVS Life Adventures
We asked SUAVS users to share their #DoAnything adventures
Here are their stories
Skydiving! I absolutely love these shoes!!
Hi! Sara here from Lawrence, Kansas. My partner and I are about to embark on a 6-month international trip!!! We stop over in Iceland first for a week of camper-van-ing around the country. Next stop will be my favorite country, Denmark - spending a week in an Airbnb in Copenhagen.
Our travels will also take us to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand. We both are self-employed and will be trying on the 'digital nomad' title, with our laptops in tow. I specifically bought my SUAVS for this trip. Since I've received them I haven't worn any other shoes. I can't not put them on!!! They're so damn comfortable, breathable, lightweight, and best of all: made for sock-less people like me!!! Here I am about to take off!!
Hi, my Suavs are my go-to shoe for my travels to the Philippines, to Banaybanay in the southeast corner of Mindanao. I got married there—Inventing a new life! it’s basically a village; we’re building a house. Here I am on the beach nearby, the dagat. Heading back there from California tomorrow.
Go Anywhere. Do Anything.
Send your #DoAnything pic and story to for a chance to be featured in our blog!
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