Founders Live - From Idea To Global Event
How One Entrepreneur Started A Global Movement

I’m Nick Hughes, CEO and founder of Founders Live, and a seasoned entrepreneur who enjoys leading the next evolution of meaningful entrepreneurship around the world. I am currently on a year long world tour traveling to and living in at least 12 different Founders Live cities/regions over the entire 2019 year (and possibly beyond).

What is Founders Live?
Founders Live is a media company and global platform of entrepreneurial inspiration, education, and entertainment. The Founders Live movement includes unforgettable and livestreamed 99-second startup happy hour pitch competitions held in a growing number of cities.
Our vision is to grow the next globally recognized entrepreneurial brand - which raises the tide for ALL startup regions but specifically 2nd and 3rd tier markets - to ultimately power the pulse of early-stage entrepreneurship and creativity around the world. Founders Live started with one monthly event in Seattle back in 2014, today we have expanded across the world and are currently Live in almost 50 cities and we project to grow by 2-3 cities each month.

Any tips on traveling and staying productive during the process of growing Founders Live while on the road?
Being on the road for more than 8 months straight has brought many things into perspective. First, I learned about daily routines. Whatever daily routine you thrive on when you are at home can be worked into your life on the road if you pay close enough attention and work at it. It does take work. But if done correctly it ties you back into yourself and you feel whole no matter where you are in the world.
Also, quickly finding a home base or a place you can depend on each day no matter what city you are in to help maintain your effectiveness and work ethic is key to not losing a step in your business. Lastly – newness, fresh faces, and different daily challenges are refreshing and fun to tackle. Embrace the hell out of them.
In addition to that, when you are open for connection, connection comes to you – I love meeting new people and enjoying a unique connection with them, whether it’s for a few hours, days, or a few months. This approach is important as you navigate the world, but especially as one is touring around to new cities each month. The world will mirror you and your energy.

How do you find time to nurture business and relationships simultaneously?
Relationships are very important to me, so I make it a point to message friends and acquaintances as often as I can.
Regarding time management, I calendar very aggressively. I block schedule, meaning I pre-set my calendar to areas of focus and intention for my days, and have those repeat into the future so they are already on the calendar. They are the areas of the business that I want to work in so I make it a priority to tackle them on a daily basis. Some of that time is left for socializing and happy hours/mentoring with other founders, as I feel it’s important to make time to share my experiences and mentor and advise (open the door) to other entrepreneurs.

How do you wear/style your SUAVS?

I love my SUAVS, it might be time to get another pair! I wear them with socks and sometimes without socks if weather permits, which is why they are so versatile! They are the most comfortable shoe I have worn in quite some time and I get compliments on a weekly basis on the shoes. I wear my SUAVS with jeans and a more stylish shirt when I work, and I can also slip them on when wearing shorts when I hit the beach or a park. Simply put, they are awesome!

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